60 channels of audio! Digitally controlled high-end preamps, reference class converters and full 192 kHz operation.Ultra-low latency operation with USB and FireWire, combined with the legendary RME driver stability and maintenance. Including active jitter suppression, professional reference level support, advanced stand-alone functionality, RME's unique DIGICheck metering and analysis toolbox, and - of course - nearly identical operation and features on Windows PC and Mac.
- 30 Input / 30 Output channels
- 12 x Analog I/O
- 4 x Mic/Instrument Preamp, digitally controlled
- 1 x AES/EBU I/O
- 2 x ADAT I/O (or 1 x ADAT I/O plus 1 x SPDIF I/O optical)
- 1 x Word Clock I/O
- 2 x MIDI I/O
- 1 x FireWire 400
- 1 x USB 2.0
- TotalMix FX
- optional: Advanced Remote Control