The 1402VLZ is a general-purpose mixer suited to simple multitracking, 2- or 4-track live recording, PA or keyboard mixing. Unlike the 1202VLZ (reviewed in February's SOS), the 1402VLZ has faders for all input channels, Control Room output and the main mix. Featuring six mic/line channels plus four stereo line channels and two stereo aux returns, the 1402VLZ has global phantom power, plus phono connections for a 2-track recorder. Each mic/line input has a switchable 75Hz, 18dB/octave low-cut filter, a gain Trim control and an insert point.
There are two aux sends, and Aux 1 may be switched pre- or post-fade via a master control. A fixed frequency, 3-band EQ operates at 12kHz, 2.5kHz and 80Hz, and as with Mackie's original 1604 mixer, the routing comprises Main/Alt switching, which sends the channel signal either to the Main stereo buss or to the Alt stereo buss. If you don't need the Alt outputs, the buttons function as mutes.
The 1402VLZ has an AFL/PFL solo system with flashing master solo LED, and when one or more channels are solo'd, they're heard in isolation over the Control Room/phones output, with their levels shown on the meters. A fader controls the channel gain. The pan and EQ knobs are centre-detented, as are the aux send/returns, and the pan has a proper, constant volume law.